Thursday, August 20, 2009

The good and the bad... leaving Elkhart

With every good thing, there is something to counteract it.

Today is my last day at my internship and I have had the most amazing time and I am now freaking out about having to leave. Here is how my pro/con list has begun to look.

Good: I did my 10-week internship! Awesome! Now I can check that off my DARS!
Bad: What? I'm done? That means senior year... that means real world... [hyperventilating]

Good: Now I can go home and see Mom, Patrick, and my friends back in Cleveland for a few days.
Bad: I'm leaving my new friends and home and I really have been enjoying it. Plus I don't want to go to the doctors! 

Good: I have learned so much at The Truth and improved so much thanks to so many people.
Bad: Once again, I really don't want to leave my friends. 

Good: Yay senior year is going to begin! OU, Oh yeah!
Bad: Oh. My. God. Senior Year?

Good: My summer actually wasn't all work and no fun! I got to go all sorts of places and lucked out living with amazing people and their awesome dog.
Bad: Oh, I made good friends and now I have to leave them? This sucks.

Good: I got to shoot all sorts of interesting things and had lots of fun assignments.
Bad: There are so many more things I want to do and shoot! How did 10-weeks pass so fast?

The list goes on and on. But even though today is my last day, I hope to keep the friends I have made for a lifetime! 


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